In an emergency

All our walks have two walk leaders on them, at least one of whom will be a qualified first aider.

In an emergency (i.e. of sufficient importance to warrant a 999 call), someone should dial 999 or 112. (Note that in the UK there is no difference whatsoever between these numbers, despite what you might have heard.)

If your location is such that you will need Mountain Rescue, dial 999/112 and ask for Police first, then Mountain Rescue.

The ’emergencySMS’ service
The mobile phone network in the hills around Trefriw is patchy and sometimes non-existent, even allowing for the roaming which emergency calls allow.
In some instances, although the signal is insufficient for a phone call, a text message can get through. If you register with the emergencySMS service beforehand (a requisite), then in an emergency you can send a text message to 999, and receive acknowledgement that your message has been received. (The service was set up some years ago, initially for deaf, hard-of-hearing and speech-impaired people, but increasingly walking organisations are encouraging their members to register.)
There is more information about this useful service on the emergencySMS website (, or you can download their .pdf leaflet here.

Giving details
In any call to the emergency services, be ready to give:

  • your name (and role, if relevant)
  • your telephone number
  • the nature and seriousness of the injury/emergency
  • the exact location, as far as possible
  • the name, gender and age of the casualty/casualties
  • details of any hazards

Giving your exact location
Whilst not overlooking the value of paper maps, probably more accurate are mobile phone apps like ViewRanger, MemoryMap or the O.S. App, which will not only pinpoint your exact location on a map, but will also give that location as a grid reference (e.g. SH734983) and/or as Eastings & Northings (e.g. E 272977 N 366464).


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